Tuesday, November 26, 2013

China to land first Jade Rabbit Moon probe next month

A model of China's lunar rover, named "Jade Rabbit"

A model of the rover was shown at an industry fair in Shanghai earlier this month
Chinese officials say they intend to land the country's first unmanned probe on the Moon next month.
The probe has been named Yutu or "Jade Rabbit", after the character that Chinese folklore says lives on the Moon's surface.
In recent years, China has made considerable progress in its space programme.
In June, three Chinese astronauts spent 15 days in orbit and docked their craft with an experimental space laboratory.
In 2007, the country despatched an unmanned spacecraft called Chang'e to orbit the Moon.
The craft stayed in space for 16 months before being intentionally crashed on to the Moon's surface.
A specific date for the latest launch, first announced in August, has not been given but officials said on Tuesday that it would happen in early December.
If all goes according to plan, the lunar probe will land on the Moon sometime in the middle of the month.
A landing vehicle will carry the rover, which will explore an area called the Bay of Rainbows, surveying the surface over three months.
The name Jade Rabbit was chosen after an online poll in which millions took part.
China sent its first astronaut into space in 2003, becoming the third country after Russia and the United States to achieve manned space travel independently.
The military-backed space programme is a source of national pride.
China is one of only three countries to have managed to independently send humans into space, the others being Russia and the US.

Oldest Buddhist shrine holds clues to Buddha's birth

There are about 500 million Buddhists worldwide, but it's unclear exactly when in history this religion began. The Buddha's life story spread first through oral tradition, and little physical evidence about Buddhism's early years has been found.
Now, scientists for the first time have uncovered archaeological evidence of when the Buddha's monumentally influential life occurred. Excavations in Nepal date a Buddhist shrine, located at what is said to be the Buddha's birthplace, to the sixth century B.C.
The research, published in the journal Antiquity, describes the remains of a timber structure about the same size and shape as a temple built at the same site in the third century B.C.
Archaeologists also found reason to think that a tree grew at the center of this ancient structure, lending support to the traditional story that the Buddha's mother held onto a tree branch while giving birth to him.
"This is one of those rare occasions when belief, tradition, archaeology and science actually come together," lead study author Robin Coningham, professor at Durham University in the United Kingdom, said at a press briefing Monday.
If this study is correct, the Buddha's actual life could have overlapped with a popularly recognized time frame of 563-483 B.C. But lots of other date ranges for the Buddha have been tossed around -- some scholars say 448 to 368 B.C., for instance. (The UNESCO website about his birthplace says 623 B.C.)
"We know the entirety of the shrine sequence started in the sixth century B.C., and this sheds light on a very long debate," Coningham said.
A place for pilgrims
The Lumbini site in Nepal is one of four principal locations that are believed to be connected with the Buddha's life. Bodh Gaya is where he is became enlightened, Sarnath is where he first preached and Kusinagara is where he died.
Lumbini is located in "a subtropical chain of forests, marshes and grasslands" between Nepal's border with India and the Siwalik Range of the Himalayas, according to the study.
Historical documents from Chinese travelers show that pilgrims made the journey to Lumbini for many centuries.
The site was lost and stopped attracting pilgrims after the 15th century -- no one knows why -- but Lumbini was rediscovered in 1896. It was declared the birthplace of Buddha because of a sandstone pillar there, dating from the third century B.C. The pillar's inscription states that Emperor Ashoka visited this site of Buddha's birth.
Pilgrims meditate by a stone pillar erected by the ancient king Ashoka in the third century B.C., at the Maya Devi Temple site.
Pilgrims meditate by a stone pillar erected by the ancient king Ashoka in the third century B.C., at the Maya Devi Temple site.
Scholars say the more modern Maya Devi Temple at Lumbini, named after the mother of Buddha, was constructed on top of the foundations of more than one earlier temple or stupa, which is a dome-shaped Buddhist monument.
One of those older temples dates back to the third century B.C., from the time of Emperor Ashoka. But there's also evidence of the even earlier temple, which appears to have covered about the same size and shape as the Ashokan temple, Coningham said.
The earliest site
Beneath remains of the Ashokan temple, archaeologists found a series of postholes from where timber posts had rotted out.
"Indeed, our excavations have demonstrated that the earliest construction at Lumbini appears to have comprised a timber fence or railing marking a cardinal direction," the study authors wrote.
The central, open portion of the most ancient temple appears to have housed a tree, based on the discovery of large fragments of mineralized tree roots. This part of the temple also had never been covered by a roof.
To establish the dates of the earliest Buddhist shrine at Lumbini, Coningham and colleagues analyzed charcoal found within postholes, as well as sand. Different techniques used on each of these materials pointed to the same conclusion of the sixth century B.C., but the postholes indicated a range of about 800 to 545 B.C.
"If the postholes at Lumbini are indicative of a tree shrine, ritual activity could have commenced either during or shortly after the life of the Buddha," the study authors wrote.
Julia Shaw, archaeologist at University College London, applauded the research but noted in an e-mail that other ritual frameworks existed at the same time as early Buddhism, which could complicate the conclusions of the study.
"It would be difficult to determine whether the tree shrine in question was intended for the worship of the Buddha or was part of a distinct cultic context," she said.
But Coningham said that it's unlikely that this earlier structure belonged to a different spiritual tradition, other than Buddhism, because of the "continuity" of the site between the sixth century B.C. and third century B.C. structures. The Ashokan temple is clearly Buddhist, and the earlier shrine had the same footprint.
"Often when you have sites of one religious activity overtaken by another, you actually get quite dramatic changes within orientation, within use of structure," Coningham said.
Moreover, before the sixth century B.C., the area where the site is was just cultivated land, he said.
The new archaeological research on the Buddha's life will be featured in a National Geographic documentary called "Buried Secrets of the Buddha" premiering in February. The National Geographic Society partly funded the research.
When Buddha lived
Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama, in the gardens of Lumbini in Nepal. His parents were wealthy. At age 29, he renounced his family and became a seeker, Coningham said. According to tradition, Buddha found truth when he sat down under a tree, which is now called the Bo tree.
The Buddha happened to be born during a period of dramatic change, Coningham said. Coins were introduced, urbanization was occurring and a merchant class emerged.
When the Buddha died at age 80, he recommended that all Buddhists visit Lumbini, study authors said.
Today, more than a million pilgrims visit Lumbini each year. The new research, in uncovering layers of history, adds new dimensions of interest to the site.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Floods kill many in central Vietnam after heavy rains

Flooding and landslides in central Vietnam have left at least 28 people dead, nine missing and some 80,000 homeless since Friday.
Lives were lost across five provinces, according to the National Flood and Storm Control Agency, quoted by the Associated Press.
In Quang Ngai province, flood waters reportedly rose above a previous peak recorded in 1999.
A tropical depression has dumped rain on the country.
Earlier in the week, at least 13 people died and 81 were injured when Tropical Storm Haiyan made landfall in north Vietnam after wreaking havoc in the Philippines.
There has been disruption to the coffee harvest and bean drying in Vietnam's central highland provinces, Reuters news agency reports.
The country is the world's top robusta coffee producer, accounting for around 17% of the world's output.
Sluice gates opened
Flood waters have started to recede in some areas, allowing residents to return and begin digging out their homes, officials said.
Binh Dinh Province reported the highest number of deaths, followed by Quang Ngai, the official Thanh Nien (Young People) newspaper reports.
Bui Thi Thanh Chuyen, a woman in Binh Dinh, told Vietnamese state TV on Saturday she had rushed home to try and help her mother, who was trapped in her house.
"All I heard [on the phone] from my mother was 'Help me, daughter' before the connection was cut off," she said.
"I rushed here to try to help her but I cannot cross the flood to the house."
In the Danang area, villager Vo Ngoc Nghiem described the speed of the disaster: "We are familiar with floods every year but this time it rose so quickly that we had no time to cope with it.
"We weren't warned about the reservoir release. The children were at school and they were stranded there."
Some 100,000 houses were submerged and roads were closed and some national train services cancelled.
Flood waters rose quickly after 15 hydro power plants opened their sluice gates as a safety measure.
Earlier reports on the flooding gave a slightly higher estimate for deaths.

Disney to release new 'Star Wars' film on December 18‚ 2015

LOS ANGELES : The Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) will bring the next movie in the "Star Wars" franchise to theaters on December 18, 2015, the company said in a statement on Thursday.

Disney purchased "Star Wars" producer Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in 2012 and promised at least three more films in the series, which ranks as one of the biggest movie franchises of all time.

Filming of the new movie, currently called "Star Wars: Episode VII," is set to begin in spring 2014 and will be directed by J.J. Abrams, who is best known for directing the most recent films in the "Star Trek" science fiction series.

Filming will take place in England, returning the franchise to its British roots as the six previous "Star Wars" films were all partly filmed at studios in Britain.

No acting choices have been announced, but original cast members Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford have been in talks to appear in the upcoming film.

Last month, producer Kathleen Kennedy said Lawrence Kasdan would team with Abrams to write the screenplay, replacing Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Arndt on the project.

Kasdan co-wrote the screenplays for the second and third "Star Wars" films, "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi."

The "Star Wars" franchise, which was created by director George Lucas, has grossed more than $4.4 billion at the worldwide box office since the first film was released in 1977.

Indian treasure hunt based on dream finds no gold

LUCKNOW: India ended a search for treasure beneath a 19th century fort after finding only a few bones and terracotta bricks but none of the gold predicted by a Hindu holy man's dream, an official said Friday.

The search began Oct. 18 in Uttar Pradesh state in northern India after Hindu swami Shobhan Sarkar told a government minister that a former king appeared to him in a dream and told him of a nearly $50 billion cache.

The leader of the dig, Praveen Kumar Mishra, said the hunt had been suspended. The government spent 1.6 million rupees ($25,300) on digging at the site, said Durga Shankar, a local magistrate.

The opposition said the government search was triggered by the holy man's dream.

However, the Geological Survey of India has said it found signs of heavy metal about 20 meters (66 feet) underground before deciding to dig in the area in Unnao district, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of the state's capital of Lucknow.

Mishra said Friday that appeared to have been an error.

The state-run Archaeological Survey of India found some artifacts and reached sediments of calcium carbonates in the first trench, Mishra said.

There was no hope of finding any archaeological objects beyond that as the diggers hit rocks in the second trench, he told The Associated Press.

"There is no indication of (the presence) any alloy as reported by the GSI team," Mishra said in his report.

China ships spotted close to Japan-controlled islands

TOKYO: Four Chinese coastguard ships sailed through disputed waters off Tokyo-controlled islands in the East China Sea Saturday, officials said, as Japan continued a massive drill aimed at bolstering defence of its remote islands.

The vessels entered 12-nautical-mile territorial waters at about 9:25 am (0025 GMT) off one of the Senkaku islands, which China also claims and calls the Diaoyus, the Japan Coast Guard said.

They left the 12-nautical-mile zone about two hours later, the coastguard said.

Nine days ago, four Chinese coastguard ships were also spotted sailing through the waters, according to the Japanese coastguard.

China's state-owned ships and aircraft have approached the Senkakus on and off to demonstrate its territorial claims, especially after Japan nationalised some of the islands in September last year.

They have been spotted inside the territorial zone on 50 days so far this year, the coastguard said.

Those Chinese vessels have been chased by Japanese coastguard ships with the two sides trading warnings and claims of sovereignty.

Usually they stay for a few hours and then move out into waters surrounding the territorial zone.

Japan's defence forces launched an 18-day drill on November 1 with 34,000 military personnel, six vessels and 360 aircraft, making China nervous.

They stationed missiles, albeit not operable, on islands marking the gateway to the Pacific in the exercise.

The exercise comes amid growing nervousness in Japan and other parts of Asia over China's surging military might, which has seen it expand its naval reach into the Pacific Ocean.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jolie‚ Lansbury‚ Martin‚ Tosi accept Oscars

LOS ANGELES: Brad Pitt kissed Angelina Jolie after her grand entrance at the film academy's Governors Awards Saturday night.

Steve Martin pretended to take a seat at the wrong table a few times before finding the right one, while Angela Lansbury beamed as she entered the room.

The honorary Oscar winners, along with Italian costume designer Piero Tosi, we're honored at a private dinner at the Hollywood & Highland Center.

Tosi wasn't able to attend, but scores of A-listers did, including Tom Hanks, Martin Short, Diane Keaton, Octavia Spencer, Mark Wahlberg, Kathryn Bigelow, Jennifer Garner, Harrison Ford and Alfre Woodard were among the guests.

Jolie received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, while Martin, Lansbury and Tosi were given honorary Academy Awards for their distinguished careers.

"Receiving the Hersholt award makes me feel like I am on the right path but also reminds me I have more to do," Jolie told The Associated Press this past week.

The actress-director is co-founder of the Prevent Sexual Violence Initiative and serves as special envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Saturday's black-tie dinner ceremony wasn't televised to preserve a sense of intimacy and allow for ample tributes to each honoree, but clips from the event may be included in the March 2 Oscar telecast. This is the fifth year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has presented its honorary awards at a separate ceremony.

"This event is a celebration of film, and it is really the beginning of Academy Awards season," said Paula Wagner, who produced the ceremony.

Israeli president warns over nuclear-armed Iran

PARIS: Countries across the Middle East will want to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran is allowed to develop an atomic bomb, Israel's president told a French newspaper ahead of a meeting Sunday with his French counterpart.

Shimon Peres said he appreciated France's firm stance in negotiations earlier this month on Iran's nuclear programme, adding that there should be "no let-up" in the international pressure on Tehran.

"We are convinced that if Iran manufactures its bomb, all the countries of the Middle East will want to follow suit," the Israeli president told French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche.

Peres will meet Francois Hollande on Sunday when the French president begins a three-day visit to Israel amid renewed efforts by the West to curb Iran's contested nuclear programme.

His comments echo those of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who urged France in an interview Saturday to stand firm in international negotiations.

Israel and world powers suspect the Islamic republic's programme of uranium enrichment to be a covert drive to acquire a nuclear weapons capability, an allegation vehemently denied by Tehran.

France took a tougher line than its Western partners in Geneva talks earlier this month aimed at resolving the impasse.

Iranian hardliners blamed France for scuppering a deal that would have given the West guarantees Tehran was not acquiring atomic weapons in exchange for an easing of crippling economic sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Israel -- widely thought to be the Middle East's sole albeit undeclared nuclear power -- has repeatedly warned its Western allies they were being too soft with Iran.

The P5+1 negotiating with Tehran is made up of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany.

The talks are due to resume in Geneva in the coming week.

Apple‚ Samsung earn major pie of smartphone profits

NEW YORK: Apple and Samsung are grabbing virtually all the profits in the red-hot smartphone market while most other makers are losing money, an analyst said on Thursday.

“We estimate Apple and Samsung combined to capture a remarkable 109 per cent of third quarter handset industry profits,” said Canaccord Genuity analyst Mike Walkley in a research note.

Walkley pointed out that other manufacturers such as BlackBerry, Nokia, LG, HTC and Motorola are operating at a loss, based on his latest global handset survey.

Walkley estimated that Samsung shipped 84.8 million smartphones in the quarter and ‘captured an impressive 53 per cent of handset industry profits.’

Apple meanwhile, which launched two new iPhones late in the quarter, increased its share of industry profits from 53 per cent in the second quarter to 56 per cent in the third quarter due to slightly higher sequential iPhone unit sales but also primarily due to more pronounced struggles from other manufacturers.

He said Apple is likely to perform even better in the fourth quarter with ‘improved supply for the iPhone 5s and steady iPhone 5c sales.’

Walkley said his analysis excludes some new Chinese smartphone makers due to the lack of available profit metrics.

A Gartner survey released on Thursday showed Samsung had 32 per cent of the global smartphone market in the past quarter, to Apple’s 12.1 per cent.

China plans to add another airline in Nepal

KATHMANDU: If a successful Air Service Agreement (ASA) between Nepal and China is signed, then an additional Chinese airline company could be introduced in Nepal, making it four different Chinese airlines operating direct flights to Kathmandu.

Currently, there are three Chinese airline companies — Air China, China Southern and China Eastern — operating around 14 flights a week between China and Kathmandu.

“Due to the increasing demand for more flights, China is planning to introduce a fourth Chinese airline to operate directs flight to Kathmandu. But for that to happen, there must a successful revision of ASA with addition of more frequencies required for the operation of additional flights by a new company,” said joint secretary at the ministry of culture, tourism and civil aviation Suresh Acharya.

The current ASA between the two countries allows Chinese airlines to operate 14 flights a week but to introduce another company, additional flight permission is required, which is only possible through successful revision of the air service agreement between the two countries, which was signed in 2003.

“As per the agreement, we have already permitted Chinese airlines to operate 14 flights a week and we have also provided 14 Temporary Operating Permits (TOP) to China until December 2013, due to increased number of passengers flying from China,” said Acharya.

The ministry has also issued TOPs for 14 additional flights to other international airlines to cope with the increased passenger number. According to government statistics, in 2012, a total of 71,861 Chinese nationals visited the country making it second largest tourist arrival destination for Nepal. In 2011, the figure was 61,917.

Nepal and China were planning to revise the agreement in October but due to some reasons China postponed the meeting and the revision process has been withheld temporarily. “We have not received any information regarding the next meeting with China for the revision of the air service agreement,” Acharya said.

According to him, China had approached the government to revise the agreement. During the revision meeting, China might ask for the fifth freedom right and additional frequencies to introduce a new airline company.

At present, Air China has direct flights to Chengdu and Lhasa from Kathmandu, while China Southern Airlines has direct flights to Guangzhou and connecting flights to other cities in China. China Eastern Airlines has direct flights from Kunming to Kathmandu and connecting flights to Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai in China, and other destinations in South East Asia, South Asia and Europe.

More air service agreements in pipeline

KATHMANDU: It has been more than two years since Nepal requested Australia and Indonesia to sign air service agreements but the government is still waiting for a positive response from the two countries. Along with Australia and Indonesia, Nepal has also requested Saudi Arabia, Bhutan and Pakistan for a new air service agreement. “We have Australia and Indonesia in our priority list and we want to sign the agreement with the two countries in a package as ASAs with the two countries can create good investment opportunities for our country,” said joint secretary at the ministry of culture, tourism and civil aviation Suresh Acharya.

Unidentified gang loots ballot boxes in Makawanpur

HETAUNDA: An unidentified group looted two ballot boxes being taken to Silinge polling centre in Kakada VDC under Makawanpur district Constituency No. 4 on Saturday night.

However, other polling materials including ballot papers are safe, said Superintendant of Police (SP) at District Police Office Ganesh Bahadur Eir.

The Election Office has dispatched necessary polling b
oxes to the centres with high security this morning, said Makawanpur Chief Election Officer Deependra Adhikari.

Kathmandu crowned U-19 champions

KATHMANDU: A six-wicket haul from Prakash Bista ‘B’ helped Region-III (Kathmandu) lifted the title of the Wai Wai U-19 National Cricket Tournament with an 86-run thrashing of Region-II (Birgunj) at the TU Stadium today.

Kathmandu were bundled out for a below-par 178 in 46.3 overs but Prakash scripted a memorable day for Kathmandu packing up Birgunj for 92 in 26.3 overs.

Prakash sent back Amit Shrestha (duck), Suraj Prasad Kurmi (four) and Sumit Kadmaiya (naught) with just eight runs on the board. Som Pal Kami then got rid of Aqueit Ansari (five) to leave Birgunj clueless.

Birgunj were yet to recover when Prakash removed Arif Sheikh (eight) and Som Pal dismissed Vikram Basnet with the scores reading 24-6. Anil Shah and Ram Naresh Giri (three) took the team close to 50-run mark before Prakash scalped the latter. Anil added another 37 runs for the eighth wicket with Irshad Ahmed (four) before losing his wicket to Som Pal.

Anil top scored in the match with 54 off 58 that included seven boundaries and a six. Prakash returned with the figures of 6-23 from 7.3 overs. Som Pal took 3-27 from eight overs.

Earlier, Kathmandu lost opener Ashish Dhami (nine) with 14 runs on the board. Prakash Bista ‘A’ (27) and skipper Bibhatsu Thapa steadied the innings with a 32-run stand for the second wicket. Prakash ‘A’ made 27 off 29 with five fours. Bibhatsu and Pawan Shrestha anchored Kathmandu innings with an 81-run stand.

Bibhatsu made 52 off 89 that included five hits to the fence. Pawan made 24 off 79. Ram Naresh took 4-40, while Aquib Poudel returned with 3-32 and Irshad Ahmed had two scalps.

Kathmandu collected a cash purse of Rs 25,000 and Birgunj took home Rs 15,000. Lalit Singh Bhandari of Region-IX (Mahendranagar) was the man-of-the-series and got Rs 10,000. Sunil Damal of Mahendranagar and Abhishek Jha of were declared the best batsman and bowler, while Prakash ‘B’ was man-of-the-final.

Tendulkar bids farewell amidst tears and cheers

My life's been 22 yards for 24 years. It's hard to believe that wonderful journey is coming to an end. - Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar
MUMBAI: Sachin Tendulkar struggled to hold back the tears as he soaked up the unconditional veneration of an Indian crowd for the last time when the sun set on the master batsman’s glittering 24-year career today.

After his side completed the formalities of an easy victory over West Indies, Tendulkar collected a stump as a memento and slowly made his way through a mobile guard of honour formed by his teammates, head bowed and struggling to hide his emotions.

As television coverage broadcast images of a huge banner in the stands proclaiming “Legends Never Retire”, the 40-year-old Tendulkar shook hands with opposing players and staff before climbing the stairs leading to the dressing room. Tendulkar later returned with his wife Anjali, daughter Sara and son Arjun to make a moving and humble farewell speech at the presentation ceremony before completing a lap of honour on the shoulders of his teammates.

“All my friends settle down, let me talk. I will get more and more emotional,” he said, his voice almost drowned by chants of “Sachin, Sachin” reverberating around his hometown Wankhede Stadium. “It’s getting little difficult to talk but I’ll manage.”

A solemn Tendulkar spoke for more than 20 minutes as the 32,000-strong crowd listened intently with hands folded as if in prayer and eyes moist with tears. A day after the anniversary of his international debut against Pakistan in Karachi in 1989 as a mop-haired 16-year-old, Tendulkar finished his career as the sport’s most prolific international run-scorer.

He leaves the game after playing more Test matches (200), scoring the most Test (15,921) and one-day international (18,426) runs, and compiling more Test (51) and one-day (49) hundreds than any other player in cricket history. “My life’s been 22 yards for 24 years. It’s hard to believe that wonderful journey is coming to an end,” he said, going on to thank his family, friends and all the people associated with his career. A perfect role model for the country’s youth and the sport worldwide with his impeccable image on and off the field, Tendulkar offered a rare glimpse into his fiercely private family life through the speech.

“The most beautiful thing happened to me in 1990 when I met my wife Anjali,” Tendulkar said, addressing his wife as she wept uncontrollably. “I know Anjali being a doctor, there was a wonderful career in front of her. When we decided to have a family, Anjali took the initiative to step back and say that ‘you continue with your cricket and I will take responsibility of the family’. Without that, I don’t think I would have been able to play cricket freely and without any stress. You are the best partnership I’ve had in my life.”

Such was India’s dominance that Tendulkar was only required to bat once in his final Test, scoring a stylish 74, but he did get to bowl a couple of overs today to at least play an active role in his last day of duty. Responding to chants of “We want Sachin, We want Sachin” from the packed stadium, India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni tossed the ball to Tendulkar, who delighted his home fans with a brief bowling cameo in his 200th Test match.

A crowd-pleasing wicket was not forthcoming but he did show off a full repertoire of deliveries, offering leg-spin, off-spin and an immaculate googly which tail-ender Shane Shillingford somehow fended away.

The regular bowlers returned to finish off a match that will be largely forgotten as a contest but remembered as a fitting farewell for a man who may be small in stature but cast a giant shadow of greatness over cricket in India and beyond.

Tendulkar said he had a simple message for his teammates and all those aspiring to represent the country when Dhoni presented him with the special cap to mark his farewell. “I feel all of us are so fortunate and proud to be part of the Indian cricket team, serving the nation,” Tendulkar added, seeking to pass the baton on to the next generation. “I know you will continue to serve the nation in the right spirit, the right values. Each generation gets this opportunity to merely take care of this sport and serve it to the best of our ability.”

In a fitting and final tribute, Tendulkar returned to the 22-yard strip of land that has defined his life and career to perform a ‘Dandavata’, an Indian form of respect requiring one to bow the forehead and stoop to touch the ground.

India maul West Indies

MUMBAI: India inflicted an innings and 126-run defeat on the West Indies on the third day of the second Test to give a fitting farewell to cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar in his farewell and 200th Test at the Wankhede Stadium here on Friday.

As the West Indies resumed the day at 43-3 in the second innings, trailing India by 270 runs, it was just a matter of when India got the job done. The West Indies were all out for 187, five more than their first innings score. Pragyan Ojha was the man-of-the-match with five wickets in each innings. The moment of truth came when Mohammed Shami knocked off the stumps of No 11 Shane Shillingford and the sizeable crowd at the Wankhede erupted in joy.

Tendulkar, 40, rushed from the deep and grabbed the stumps. The full Indian team lined up on both sides of the pitch as Tendulkar walked down the track. He took off his hat and waved at the crowd.


• Full name: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar

• Born: April 24, 1973, Bombay (now Mumbai),

• Major teams: India, Asia XI, Mumbai, Mumbai Indians, Yorkshire

• Nickname: Tendlya, Little Master

• Playing role: Top-order

• Batting style: Right-hand bat

• Bowling style: Right-arm offbreak, Legbreak googly

• Height: 5 ft 5 in

• Education: Sharadashram Vidyamandir School

• Test debut: Pakistan v India at Karachi, November 15-20, 1989

• Last Test: India v West Indies at Mumbai, November 14-16, 2013

• ODI debut: Pakistan v India at Gujranwala, Dec 18, 1989

• Last ODI: India v Pakistan at Dhaka, Mar 18, 2012

• Only T20I: South Africa v India at Johannesburg, Dec 1, 2006

• Last Twenty20: Mumbai Indians v Rajasthan Royals at Delhi, Oct 6, 2013

• First-class debut: 1988/89

• Last First-class: India v West Indies at Kolkata, Nov 6-8, 2013

Syangja sees salt shortage ahead of election day

SYANGJA: Syangja district has seen salt shortage at a time when Salt Trading Corporation is saying that there is no shortage of salt in market.

Consumers have suspected that the traders have created artificial shortage of salt for its sale in an elevated price later. With high media coverage on salt shortage in market, the traders created artificial shortage of salt to sell the essential consumptive goods for huge profit margin later, said consumers.

There was a huge crowd of locals approaching small shops for buying salt following rumour on salt shortage abuzz.

However, traders said that the shortage is when each consumer purchased 5-7 packs of salt due to fear of its short supply later.

Consumers said that they are compelled to buy a pack of salt up to Rs 100 in a secret manner after short supply of salt in market.

Meanwhile, Syangja Chief District Officer Krishna Bahadur Raut said that market monitoring will be undertaken after consulting office-bearers of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Waling and Syangja.

He pledged to carry out raid in the stores of traders and take action if any of them have attempted to create artificial shortage of salt. 

Trucker injured in petrol bomb attack dies

KATHMANDU: A truck driver who was seriously injured in the Thursday petrol bomb attack in Simara-9 of Bara district died at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in Kathmandu on Sunday morning.

The victim has been identified as Raju Chhetri of Nijghad-5. He breathed his last at the Maharajgunj-based hospital during the course of treatment, TUTH source confirmed.

Chhetri who had suffered severe burn injuries was ferried to Kathmandu in a very critical condition.

Three persons, including driver Chhetri, were injured after an unidentified person hurled petrol bomb on the moving truck (Na 1 Kha 5697) at the Dudhaura Bridge along the Pathlaiya-Nijgadh road section on Thursday, the fourth day of general strike called by the poll-opposing parties, led CPN-Maoist.

The injured were airlifted to the Capital and admitted at TUTH for treatment.

The condition of other two is also said to be critical.